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CCP Dictator Encourages U.S. Students to Get Brainwashed in China

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictator Xi Jinping is once again urging U.S. students to visit China, where they can be more effectively lied to and brainwashed to believe China is a socialist paradise whose government does not want to destroy America.

Foreign exchange programs between American schools and Communist China can constitute a serious problem, as the CCP obviously only wants American students to see a false front of prosperity, happiness, and cultural richness. The students will not see the CCP’s horrific religious, political, and ethnic persecution and mass murder. Just as the CCP establishes institutes and infiltratesinstitutions in America to propagandize Westerners, foreign exchange programs can merely be opportunities for the CCP to present Americans with a very one-sided view of Communist China.

CCP state media outlet Xinhua bragged about Iowa’s Muscatine High School students gushing in a letter to CCP dictator Xi about their wonderful experience in China. While it is understandable that the foreign exchange program would specifically present to them the enjoyable aspects of Chinese culture, the students’ reported praise for Xi — who iscurrently incarcerating and viciouslypersecuting millions of people — is nauseating. Even more importantly, it is evident that CCP state media and the Chinese government itself want more American students to come to China and be brainwashed.

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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