

Sooooo close. Joe Biden almost saved the world. Yesterday he said that Hamas attacked because he was about to bring peace to the region.

He was going to save the world by building a railroad all around the world

“You may recall when we did the G20 a little while ago, I was able to get a resolution, a statement passed through there saying we are going to build a railroad from Riyadh all the way through the Middle East into Saudi Arabia, Israel etcetera all the way up to Europe. Not the railroad, it’d be an underground pipeline then railroad,” the president continued Friday.

“The whole idea is there is overwhelming interest and I think most Arab nations know it and coordinating with one another to change the dynamic in their region for longer term peace and that is what I am going to continue to work on,” Biden said.

This brings to mind Jake Sullivan’s boast about quiet the Middle East had been under Biden.

Appearing at The Atlantic Festival on September 29, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan listed off a string of achievements in the Middle East, among them how the region is “quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

Like everything else Sullivan says, it was a lie and it was darkly amusing seeing it blow up in his pasty face.

The only honest thing Biden said was that he couldn’t prove it, and that would be true about pretty much anything he’s ever said.

The truth is, Biden not only didn’t bring peace to the Middle East, he’s also gotten us into two wars.

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Posted by cstarman417

Palestine rally hits London with officers watching for hate speech

Don't worry. The "Counter Disinformation Project" will go after the evildoers! I was just contacted by this organization.