
Sasha Latypova lays out the receipts – the vaxx roll-out was perpetrated by bad actors in the DoD and BARDA – why isn’t the FBI investigating and co-operating w

Having watched the video embedded here: How Military Intelligence Agencies Controlled COVID Shots & Policy | Principia Scientific Intl. (

All this happened as a consequence of handing over the handling of the pandemic to the military. By Trump signing a State of Emergency, martial law was declared – albeit by stealth.

That means it was the military that decided to block HCQ and IVM treatment protocols. It was the military that determined that FDA and CDC approvals were not relevant or necessary. It was the military that decided that manufacturing standards and testing protocols were irrelevant.

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Posted by peter halligan

The F*CK IS THIS…Transgender Madness Seeks to Destroy Parenting!

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