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The F*CK IS THIS…Transgender Madness Seeks to Destroy Parenting!

Dr. Paul Alexander: What can I say? Lord have mercy on us, give me some strength Lord, to navigate the filth and stench of this madness for madness it is! So it is not good enough to destroy marriages, human relationships, they, these bitches now have to go after motherhood, fatherhood, parenting….sick freakish freakish men

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Posted by ussanews

MARK OF THE BEAST, CHINESE SOCIAL CREDIT STYLE SYSTEM – U.S. Grocery chains merging with Big Tech to track, control your food and drug purchases

Sasha Latypova lays out the receipts – the vaxx roll-out was perpetrated by bad actors in the DoD and BARDA – why isn’t the FBI investigating and co-operating w