
The war on free speech goes global with a bombshell – Flopping Aces

There are currently a couple of kinetic wars ongoing- one in Ukraine and another in the Middle East but there is a third one that threatens the freedom of pretty much everyone on Earth.

It is the war on free speech. And it’s global.

During the 2020 election the FBI and former CIA officers suppressed information harmful to Joe Biden. In 2022 Biden pressured social media to again suppress information harmful to democrats. Without a doubt this affected the elections. With the taste of success in his mouth Biden is once again looking to suppress free speech, especially as Americans are not buying his gaslighting on the economy. The regime is depicting it as combating “disinformation” in the same manner that the Trump dossier was Russian disinformation.

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Posted by cstarman417

Then The Radical Left Came for Norman Rockwell – Flopping Aces

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