
Then The Radical Left Came for Norman Rockwell – Flopping Aces

This story isn’t new, but it came to my attention recently while looking into some of the work that the Mellon Foundation is funding and discovered this defilement of The Four Freedoms. I’ll also be the first to admit that I’m not a big art person, but I have some favorites. And right up there is the great Norman Rockwell. What I’ve always loved about his work is the attention to detail and how every painting he created could easily be an entire short story captured in one frame. The facial expressions, the small details (such as headlines on a newspaper or insertion of animals) provide great snapshots of a different era in America that is long gone. Which is, of course, why The Radical Left had to defile it.

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Posted by cstarman417

Animals' reactions to their names while being counted after work!

The war on free speech goes global with a bombshell – Flopping Aces