
David Weiss has interfered with two elections and is aiming at a third – Flopping Aces

Above on the left is David Weiss, the US Attorney for Maryland. He is the weasel who single-handedly changed the outcomes of the 2020 and 2022 elections and now setting his sights on the 2024 election. US AG Merrick Garland frequently refers to him as Weiss is overseeing the Hunter Biden situation while Garland refuses to appoint a Special Prosecutor. Let’s look at what he has in front of him. You know about Burisma paying off Hunter. You know about China paying off Hunter. You know about Hunter Biden failing to pay his taxes. But there’s more. A lot more.

Complaint: Hunter Advised Office of VP Biden on Burisma, a Potential FARA Violation

You might remember that they wanted to slam Paul Manafort in prison for life for a FARA violation while they let his boss Tony Podesta retroactively register.

Hunter Biden firm teamed up with Chinese military company known to be national security threat

Whistleblower Says He Gave DOJ Damning Information on Biden Family Foreign Business Deals

It’s all being stonewalled and slow-walked

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Posted by cstarman417

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